Free delivery on orders over £50, only £4.95 under £50

Collection service

If you would like to collect an item from us or if you would prefer to view an item before purchasing, please call us first on 0161 85 00 884 to ensure that the item/s you require are in stock. 

Although we do not have a physical high street shop, we are happy to welcome you to view items before purchase or for advice. This service is available Tuesday to Friday 10am to 3pm. Our address is The Mill, Hacking Street, Nelson BB9 8RS.  

Please note that items collected/purchased directly from our warehouse cannot be returned as you are responsible for viewing the items/checking that the item is what is required when you collect the item.

Nicola from ability superstore displays the Lets Go Indoor rollator


Carol from ability superstore posing with a variety of mobility aids


We're only 3 minutes away from the end of the M65.

Get directions

For satnavs, you can find us here:

The Mill, Hacking Street, Nelson BB9 8RS.

The Ability Superstore Team