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Shopping Trolleys

Ability Superstore’s range of shopping trolleys are ideal mobility aids for the elderly, as well as for people living with limited mobility, or long-term health conditions, where some assistance and support is needed.

— 16 items in Shopping Trolleys —

Shopping trolleys make everyday activities like shopping a whole lot easier, removing the struggle of juggling bags, or carrying heavy groceries back from the shops.

You can choose from two-wheeled and four-wheeled shopping trolleys, depending on whether you would prefer to push, or pull the trolley.

Two-wheeled shopping trolleys are easiest to pull along behind you, while four-wheeled trolleys offer assistance for someone who would like to be able to push the mobility aid in front of them, as well as use it for a little support, if required.

Shopping trolleys don’t just come in handy for your weekly shop. If you’re going out for the day, they provide a practical alternative to large bags to help you carry all the essentials you might need. They can also come in handy for trips to the library, or when you're running errands.

Stylish Modern Shopping Trolleys

In our walking aids range, you will find a wide selection of shopping trolleys in various colours styles and designs, including stylish modern options.

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