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Mobility scooters are an ideal mobility aid for retaining independence while out and about. An electric mobility scooter can be a worthwhile investment for anyone with a disability or living with limited mobility. Our range of scooters consists of portable mobility scooters that fold down, as well as road-safe heavy-duty scooters with tons of additional features such as built-in lights, safety mirrors and high-grade wheels.
Our Class 2 and Class 3 mobility scooters for sale have a variety of designs and 3 or 4 wheel drives. When mobility scooters are well-maintained and looked after, they can provide a stylish and independent solution to independent transport for people with disabilities or limited mobility.
Before deciding which scooter is right for you, consider what activities you might need help with and the size of mobility scooter that will work best.
Before we decide on a mobility scooter, it's important to determine your personal needs. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions (for example, how small is a portable scooter?)
Small scooters usually fold down to become portable mobility aids that allow you to keep them in your car boot.
Small scooters are often made with a lightweight frame to make them easier to transport. It is worth noting that this means their maximum weight capacity won't be as high as with other mobility scooters.
Generally sturdier and able to transport more weight than small mobility scooters, medium scooters are suited for travelling at speeds of up to 6mph. A Medium mobility scooter will not be as portable as a small mobility scooter and they will be heavier. In order to travel on the road with a Class 3 Medium Scooter, you must register them first.
Large road legal mobility scooters, which are suitable for longer distances and rougher surfaces, can hold between 20 to 30 stone (up to a maximum of 250kg) in passenger weight.
In the UK, an electric mobility scooter larger than 125cc is registered as a Class 3 vehicle, so it should have a license plate and driver's license. A standard mobility scooter is limited to 8 mph on the street.