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World MS Day

Posted by Francis Whitehead on May 30, 2023


the world ms day logo

The 30th of May is World MS Day, which aims to bring those all around the world together to form a community that shares stories, raises awareness, and campaigns with everyone affected by MS.

World MS Day first took place in 2009, and since then has made a huge impact on those with MS, as well as those without it by raising awareness and making a change to provide help, support, and equality.


find your #msconnections

The theme for the 2020-2023 campaign is “I Connect, We Connect” (MS Connections), and it aims to build community connections, self-connection, and connections to quality care.

To make these connections for those with MS, you could organise a virtual event, activity, or fundraiser.

Last year, fundraisers walked over 50,000 kilometres for the May 50k in the name of World MS Day, and the movement was recognised by health ministers and officials all over the globe.

A map is available on the World MS Day website to show you what activities are taking place near you.

According to the MSSociety, there are an estimated 130,000 people with MS in the UK, and each year nearly 7,000 people are newly diagnosed.

This means around 1 in every 500 people in the UK lives with MS, and each week over 130 people are diagnosed with MS.

how many people in the uk that have ms

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a neurological condition, that means it affects your nerves. Your immune system normally protects you by fighting off infections, however, with MS it attacks your nerves by mistake.

This attack of the nerves can affect the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with vision, balance, and arm and leg movements, among many others. It can also lead to debilitating fatigue, muscle spasms, and tremors.

MS can also affect you psychologically, with the condition leading to anxiety, depression, stress, a lack of confidence and changing moods.

MS is sometimes referred to as an “invisible condition”, with most people unaware of the ways that it can affect someone’s life, and this is what World MS Day wants to conquer.

Living with MS

Multiple Sclerosis is a lifelong condition that can lead to serious disability, and symptoms can worsen over time. People living with it may find it hard to lead a functional, healthy life, with everyday tasks becoming increasingly difficult.

As the symptoms of MS can vary, the range of any mobility aids required is much wider. This is why, after receiving a diagnosis, it may be a good idea to future-proof your home to make it more accessible.

You can do this by having a bathroom conversion in your home, such as an easy-access shower or walk-in bath. This makes washing, bathing, and showering easy and accessible when you have limited mobility.

Toilet aids can also make life with limited mobility and movement more accessible for maintaining your personal hygiene.

Dining aids such as sloped plates and grip cutlery can also be very useful for those with MS, making mealtimes easier for when symptoms are present.

For those who want to retain their independence, dressing aids are available from our shop.

We also have walking aids and wheelchairs which can be an invaluable asset for those with MS.

What can I do to help?

You can choose to focus on a variety of angles when celebrating World MS Day, including:

  • Challenging the stigma behind MS
  • Getting involved with communities that support those affected by MS
  • Promoting self-care and functional living with MS
  • Lobbying decision makers for better services and effective treatment for people with MS
  • Connecting people affected by MS to research

It doesn’t have to be just World MS Day where you show your support. If you know anyone who suffers from MS and you’re unsure of how to help, there are a wealth of resources and research on the MSSociety website. Also, bear in mind all of the mobility aids mentioned above if you wish to help make their day-to-day life easier.

Get in Touch

How will you be showing your support on World MS Day? Ability Superstore would love to know! If you have any questions or inquiries, please do get in touch. We will be more than happy to help!