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Our Ultimate Buying Guide for Rollators - 2024

Posted by Francis Whitehead on May 23, 2024

Text reads "Ultimate Buying Guide Rollators" next to a woman using a rollator in a park

Rollators, also known as four-wheel walkers, are one of the most popular walking aids being used today, with research finding that they accounted for 67.2% of all mobility aid purchases in 2021.

We stock many different models of rollators, all with their own unique features, so it can be difficult to know what would be best for you. With the abundance of choice on today’s market, that’s why we have written this handy guide to inform you on the best rollator for you.

What is a Rollator?

A rollator is typically described as a walking aid consisting of a sturdy frame with four wheels, handlebars for gripping, and a set of brakes for safety and reassurance. It is thoughtfully engineered to offer stability and balance, allowing users to move about safely and independently, and is mainly used for patients who need a walker only for balance but not for weight-bearing.

Rollators offer users the ability to move around with greater ease and confidence. The wheels allow for smooth navigation on various terrains, while the brakes provide added security when stopping or resting.

Some models also include seats and backrests, as well as adjustable height settings to accommodate different users.

How Do Rollators Enhance Mobility?

Using a rollator can significantly improve an individual's quality of life by promoting independence and reducing the risk of falls. Studies have shown that rollators can help increase physical activity levels and enhance overall wellbeing in users, allowing them to go about their daily business as normal.

Not only that, but one of the key benefits of rollators is their portability. These walking aids are lightweight and foldable, making them easy to transport in a car or store away when not in use. This makes days out and shopping trips all the more doable.

As rollators have four wheels, they can offer more stability than a tri-walker or three-wheeled walker. This also means the user can have assistance in moving without having to lift it up like a walking frame.

If you have a condition that requires you to stop and rest often, a rollator could be a better choice for you. Whereas a walking frame has no seat, a rollator with a seat and a crossbar for back support allow the user to stop and rest when needed.

Who Should Use a Rollator?

Woman using rollator to walk across a wooden bridge

A rollator may be beneficial for you if you:

  • Regularly need breaks to rest when walking
  • Have issues with stability and balance
  • Have had a recent surgery and require support on both sides of your body
  • Do not need to distribute your weight to keep your balance

Before deciding whether you might need a rollator or a walking frame, consider your specific needs and mobility challenges. If stability and support are your top priorities, a walker is the way to go. However, if you value mobility and versatility, a rollator may better suit your lifestyle.

Ultimately, the choice between a walking frame and a rollator depends on your individual circumstances. Consult with a healthcare professional or mobility aid specialist to determine the best option for you.

For Your Consideration

There are many factors to consider when comparing the available rollators on our website. Here are some to keep in mind before purchasing.


As well as the number of wheels on your rollator, you'll want to take into consideration the size of the wheels' diameter. Most rollator wheels are between 6 and 10 inches, and wheels 8 inches or above are considered "large."

Outdoor rollators, such as the Let’s Fly by Trustcare, have larger wheels that allow you to better manoeuvre the rollator outdoors and over uneven terrain. Consider where you will be using your rollator: will you often need it outside or over different terrains? If that's a possibility, it's best to purchase a rollator with larger wheels.

If you think you'll mostly be using your rollator indoors, indoor rollators such as the Days Breeze with 7 inch wheels could be a better option. You'll most often be moving over even ground, making smaller wheels more suitable for indoor use where manoeuvrability in tight spaces is key.

When it comes to selecting a rollator with a seat, comfort is key. If you prefer a rollator with a seat to rest on, you'll want to ensure it's comfortable for extended periods of time. One of the most important factors to consider is the type of seat the rollator offers.


If you know you’ll want a rollator that has a seat to rest on, you'll want to ensure it's comfortable.

For optimum comfort, look for a rollator with a padded or sling seat. These types of seats provide cushioning and support, making them ideal for longer periods of sitting. On the other hand, unpadded plastic seats, while easier to clean, can quickly become uncomfortable and painful to sit on, especially if you'll be using the rollator frequently.

This Nitro Rollator not only features a comfortable sling seat in an 18 inch width, but also a back rest, ensuring you can take a short break in comfort.

Another crucial aspect to pay attention to is the dimensions of the seat. Most standard rollator seat widths range from 13" to 18", but it's essential to consider the inside width of the rollator as well. To determine the right seat width for you, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the width of your backside when sitting on a flat surface.
  2. Add an inch or two to this measurement to ensure comfortable seating.

By following these simple steps and considering the type and dimensions of the seat, you can ensure that your rollator provides the comfort and support you need. Remember, the right seat can make all the difference in your mobility and overall comfort.

Handle Height

When it comes to using a rollator, one of the key factors to consider is the handle height. Having the correct handle height can significantly impact the user's comfort and overall experience. So, how can you determine the appropriate handle height for your rollator?

To find the optimal handle height for your rollator, follow these simple steps:

  1. Stand in your shoes you wear for walking with your arms at your side and elbows bent slightly.
  2. Measure the distance between the floor and the centre of your wrist while in this position.

Having the correct handle height is crucial for maintaining proper posture and reducing strain on your arms and shoulders while using a rollator. If the handles are too low or too high, it can lead to discomfort and potential injury.

Rollators like the R6 and R8 have easily adjustable handles that can be raised or lowered to your preference.

By ensuring that the handle height is adjusted to your specific measurements, you can optimize your walking aid for maximum comfort and support.

When choosing a rollator, it's important to consider the weight capacity to ensure the safety and stability of the user. Standard rollators typically have a weight capacity ranging from 250 to 350 pounds, which is suitable for many individuals.

Weight Capacity

The weight capacity of a rollator is crucial as it determines how much weight the device can safely support. Exceeding the weight limit can compromise the stability and durability of the rollator, putting the user at risk of injury.

If you require a rollator with a higher weight capacity, you may need to opt for a heavy-duty or specialist model, such as the King Bariatric Rollator. This rollator has a weight capacity of 325kg (or 51 stone) providing extra strength and stability for heavier individuals.

When selecting a rollator, it's essential to assess your weight and choose a model with a weight capacity that accommodates your needs. By selecting a rollator with the appropriate weight capacity, you can ensure a safe and comfortable mobility aid that meets your requirements.

Storage Options

When it comes to rollators, having adequate storage options can make a world of difference in the user's experience. Rollators with bags provide a convenient way to carry personal items, groceries, or medical supplies while on the go.

Some rollators are especially designed for this exact purpose, the Lets Shop Rollator being a prime example, with its large 25-litre capacity bag making it a perfect fit for shopping trips.

By utilizing these optimal storage solutions for rollators with bags, users can enhance their mobility and independence while keeping their belongings safe and organized. Whether running errands, attending appointments, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll, having the right storage options can make all the difference in the user's experience.


An important factor to keep in mind before any purchase is how much you’re willing to spend. You’ll be glad to know our rollators start from £83.33 with VAT relief, and our highest range model, the Rollz Motion Rhythm, specially designed for those with ataxia and Parkinson’s, is only £979.01 with VAT relief.

One of our most popular models of rollator is also a budget-friendly option, the 100 Series Four Wheel Rollator. Complete with a padded seat, backrest, locking loop brakes and ergonomic handles, this is the ultimate in affordability without compromise.

Here at Ability Superstore, you can be sure that you can find a quality rollator that meets your needs without breaking the bank. Remember, the goal is to improve your mobility and independence, so make a smart investment that will benefit you in the long term.

Care and Maintenance for your Rollator

Man using rollator

When you have made your purchase and are now regularly using the rollator, it’s especially important to make sure it’s being looked after.

When properly maintained, rollators on average last around 5 to 10 years. This depends on a number of factors, such as the materials used in its construction, how often it’s used, where it’s used and how well it’s cared for.

When your rollator is not in use, we suggest you fold and store it in a dry and safe place to protect it from damage. Avoid leaving it outside or in areas where it may be exposed to moisture, as this can lead to rust and deterioration of the frame and components.

Similar to a bicycle, the brakes will need adjusting occasionally – it’s easy to do and the manual which comes with your new rollator should provide you with instructions on how to do this. If you have any queries, let us know!

Also, if you’ve had your rollator after a number of years, check that your tires aren’t cracked as cracked wheels will not provide a smooth and comfortable ride.

How Do I Clean My Rollator?

To start, wash your hands with antibacterial soap or hand sanitiser.  Then, soap up and wring out two wash cloths or flannels (or use antibacterial wipes).

Wipe down every surface of the rollator, including the frame, handles and especially the seat. To clean the wheel rims, push your rollator with one hand for about 6 metres, and run the cloth over the rims with the other hand while it’s moving to ensure even coverage.

Finally, go over these steps with a dry cloth to prevent rust.

Regular cleaning is key to preventing the build-up of dirt, dust, and debris on your rollator. Wipe down the frame, handles, and wheels with a damp cloth regularly to keep it looking and functioning its best.

It's also beneficial to disassemble your rollator every few months for a more thorough cleaning. This allows you to reach all the nooks and crannies that may be missed during routine cleaning, ensuring a deep and comprehensive clean.


In conclusion, there is a wealth of options to choose from when purchasing a rollator. However, it’s important to consider some factors before you decide on which one will be perfect for you.

Everything you’ve seen here is available here on our website, and if you have any questions about any products featured please feel free to get in touch. We will be more than happy to guide you in the right direction! With our team of experts, you can be sure to receive trustworthy experience and guidance.

Kate Makin, Ability Superstore's Occupational Therapist

Kate Makin, OT

Kate Makin qualified as an occupational therapist (OT) in 2001 with a BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy. She is a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT).

As a registered occupational therapist (OT), Kate is a science degree-based, health and social care professional, taking a “whole person” approach to both physical and mental health and wellbeing. This enables individuals, of all ages, to achieve their full potential and lead as independent life as possible.

For Kate’s registration with the Health and Care Professions Council, click here.

Throughout her career, Kate has worked in many different clinical settings, in both the public and private sector. Kate has been running her own independent occupational therapist business since 2009. She is passionate about disability aids and adaptations, with a specialist interest in postural management and seating.

As Ability Superstore’s resident OT, Kate is on hand to offer professional advice and answer any queries.